Club Chairman Alistair Dunn receives the Clubmark certificate from Lauren Smyth, Club Development officer for Ulster Branch Tennis Ireland
Clubmark Award
Saturday 7th December 2013 was a memorable day for the Club as members, juniors, and parents celebrated our success in achieving Clubmark Accreditation. We are just the 8th Club to receive the award and join the ranks of much larger and long-established clubs such as Downshire and Windsor.
Lauren Smythe, Club Development Officer for Ulster Branch Tennis Ireland presented the certificate to Club chairman Alistair Dunn. She praised the inititives of the Club in junior coaching and outreach through Parks Tennis. Alistair thanked all of the committee and volunteers for their hard work and dedication and for supporting the club's policy of being open, inclusive, affordable and accessible to all. After the photocall, everyone retired to the pavilion an enjoyed excellent refreshments.

Local representatives help club celebrate. Strangford MP Jim Shannon along with Kieran McCarthy MLA and Councillor Kellie Armstrong came along to support the club and to meet some of our junior members and their parents.