Via SatNav, enter 17 Main Road Cloughey BT22 1JA
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Driving instructions:
From Belfast and points further North:
Follow A20 through Dondonald, Newtownards, and Greyabbey. Just after Kircubbin take a left towards Cloughey. At T-junction go right and after 300m turn left into public car park from where you will see the tennis courts.
From Newry and points further South
Main Road route - follow A1 and M1 to Belfast then go East on A55 ring road (follow signs for Newtownards and Bangor). Take A20 and follow directions above.
Scenic Route: From Newry follow signs for Downpatrick and go through Hilltown & Castlewellan, with the Mourne Mountains on your right. On through Clough to Downpatrick then follow signs for Strangford. (Allow approx 70mins from Newry to Strangford). Take the car ferry over to Portaferry. (leaves on the hour and half-hour - only takes 6 or 7 mins). From Portaferry follow signs for Cloughey and Donaghadee (A2). Entering the village drive 1mile beyond the 30mph signs to reach the public car park and tennis courts on your right.